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moco lactation babies breastfeeding support lactation montgomery county maryland virginia washington dc

Hi! I’m Stephanie, a local mom of 3 children. And in 2019, I left a 15 year career in technology to pursue lactation consulting. I’m now an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and founder of MoCo Lactation LLC.


The Short Story: Because I don’t want anyone to suffer to feed their baby. It’s as simple as that. 

I want to support new parents in those excruciatingly hard first days, weeks, and months. Whether the struggle is an inefficient latch, painful nipples, low milk supply, bottle feeding, or something else entirely, I want to be there to help you feed your baby.

The Long Story: When I gave birth to my first child, breastfeeding was so much harder than I thought it would be. I didn’t do any prenatal breastfeeding education and figured it would be easy because this is something my body was “meant to do”. Within the first few hours of my baby’s life, my nipples were bleeding from a terrible latch and I was curling my toes in pain every time I had to breastfeed. I thought this is just the way it was, and I had to grin and bear it. 

It wasn’t until I found lactation support about 4 weeks after birth that I realized breastfeeding my child didn’t have to be a tearful, painful, and horrible experience. My breastfeeding relationship with my child was saved by a wonderful lactation consultant who worked with me 1:1 over the course of a few weeks to help us get the hang of it. Working with a professional turned breastfeeding into a beautiful activity that my child and I both looked forward to, and equipped me to successfully breastfeed with her for 13 months. I also utilized lactation support with my other two children because, even though I was an experienced breastfeeding mom, each child was unique in their breastfeeding abilities and challenges!